Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Welcome to Digital Magic Productions, Inc.

As the President and CEO of Digital Magic Productions, Inc, it is time that I started getting more information about us out to the world… rather than just keep telling others how to do it and then not doing it myself. Blogging about our little business is far too important to just keep putting it off, and like me, I’m sure you are doing the same. So let’s start with about Digital Magic Productions, Inc. and what our vision for the future is.
Digital Magic Productions, Inc. is a marketing company whose main focus is on providing innovative programming for the delivery of high quality images and virtual tours to whoever is concerned about the quality of their presentation.
The largest consumer of our images and programming is the real estate industry where image quality can make the deciding difference in a sale.
Virtual tour images and movies, supported by our custom programming and image viewers, are the largest portion of our product offerings. With our custom programming, anyone can view large, crystal clear, extremely detailed images of the subject we have captured.
What sets us apart from other companies that provide similar photography and programming solutions is the fact that we are a 100% self contained company, not a franchise, or a company that adds pictures to another companies templates.
We shoot all of our own images, process the images by hand, and write all of our own custom presentation software to deliver those images. Everything we do is produced in-house. That way we can control the quality of our product throughout the entire process.
Then we deliver the product to the world through our own in-house web servers that are connected to the highest delivery speed that is possible with today’s internet connections.
You might say that I am very proud of our accomplishments, and we plan on keeping our products and services on the cutting edge of the industry.
For professional photography solutions contact Digital Magic Productions, Inc. at 303-797-7747, or on the web at
For self-service real estate solutions go to
Mike MacKillip
President / CEO, Digital Magic Productions, Inc. Littleton, Colorado